Littlepay - Retail: Solutions for self-service and attended payments

Solutions for self-service and attended payments

Unify the customer payment experience across self-serve and attended retail sales channels, using a range of POS device options.

Contact Sales
Metro Lissabon
Transport for Athens
Transport for New South Wales
Attended & Unattended payments

POS payments on the move…


Parking, Vending & Tolls

A range of existing integrated and certified devices to simplify in-person payments and expand acceptance. Whether your customer purchases services in-person or via mobile app, Littlepay recognizes their card across your acceptance channels allowing for a more seamless experience.


Dispensing, EV Charging

Remove payment fiction with configurable payment flows, adjustable incremental authorizations and settlements, and API’s that enable deeper integration with tariff systems, back-offices, and mobile applications.


Retail Outlets and Handhelds 

Secure higher value ticket sales using a range of pre-integrated MPOS devices with real-time online authorisation and chip and pin capability.

Create a seamless payment experience for your customers while retaining full visibility of data across channels on a single platform.

Simple Retail Solution

Streamline your payment process

Unified Tokenisation

Unifying the token across channels reduces friction for customers and provides opportunities for engagement and new product experience

Single Data Platform

A single platform handles the data collection, cleansing and analysis, streamlining data management and enabling efficient decision-making for stakeholders.

Advanced Fraud Control

Through a robust fraud control plan, our teams work to proactively detect, prevent and combat fraudulent behaviour.

Ready to accept contactless payments on your transit network?